Yiting Deng

Yiting Deng is an Associate Professor of Marketing & Analytics at the UCL School of Management, University College London. Prior to joining UCL, she served as an Assistant Professor at the University of Notre Dame’s Mendoza College of Business. She received her PhD in Marketing and MS in Statistics from Duke University, and holds Bachelor’s degrees in Economics and Statistics as well as a Master’s degree in Economics from Peking University.
Yiting’s research centres on digital platforms and advertising. Her research has been published in leading academic journals such as Marketing Science, Management Science, Journal of Marketing Research, and Production and Operations Management. Her research on advertising targeting was a finalist for the Weitz-Winer-O’Dell award, the Don Lehmann Award, and the Robert D. Buzzell MSI Best Paper Award. She currently serves as an Associate Editor at Service Science and serves on the editorial review board of Marketing Science.
Yiting currently teaches the Marketing core course in the UCL-PKU MBA programme. She has previously taught the Marketing core courses in the BSc Management Science and MSc Management programmes at UCL, as well as at Cambridge University and the University of Notre Dame. She was recognized as one of Poets & Quants World’s Best 40-under-40 Business School Professors in 2022, and received the UCL School of Management Best Teacher Award in 2023.
Bdaily News, More About Advertising, Marketing.ie, Higher Ed Drive and Phys Org
Selected Publications
Li, Xingyi, Yiting Deng, Puneet Manchanda, and Bert De Reyck (2024), “Can Lower(ed) Expert Opinions Lead to Better Consumer Ratings?: The Case of Michelin Stars,” forthcoming, Management Science.
Tang, Christopher, Yiting Deng, Wei Wang, and Onesun Steve Yoo (2024), “Can an E-commerce Platform and its Third-Party Sellers Benefit from Each Other’s Market Entry?,” 33(1):69-86, Production and Operations Management.
Deng, Yiting, Anja Lambrecht, and Yongdong Liu (2023), “Spillover Effects and Freemium Strategy in the Mobile App Market,” Management Science, 69(9): 5018-5041.
Miao, Wei, Yiting Deng, Wei Wang, Yongdong Liu, and Christopher Tang (2023), “The Effects of Surge Pricing on Driver Behavior in the Ride-Sharing Market: Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment,” Journal of Operations Management, 69(5): 794-822.
Deng, Y., & Mela, C. F. (2018). TV Viewing and Advertising Targeting. Journal of Marketing Research. doi:10.1509/jmr.15.0421
Mela, C. F., Roos, J., & Deng, Y. (2013). A Keyword History of Marketing Science. Marketing Science. doi:10.1287/mksc.1120.0764