UCL School of Management

Jen Rhymer

Lecturer (Assistant Professor)
Office location
Level 38, 1 Canada Square
Rm SW2


Jen is an Assistant Professor in the Strategy and Entrepreneurship Group at University College London (UCL) School of Management. Previously, she was a post-doctoral research scholar in the Center for Work Technology and Organization (WTO) at Stanford University in the Management Science and Engineering Department (MS&E). This is following the completion of a PhD from the Foster School of Business at the University of Washington in Technology Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management. 

Prior to her work in organizations research Jen traveled briefly living as a digital nomad, worked as the director of research and development for a clean technology start up, spent time as a member of technical staff in the aerospace industry, and earned a PhD in Structural Engineering from the Jacobs School of Engineering at UC San Diego. 


Sustainable organizational design – exploring the intersection of work, emerging technologies, and entrepreneurial ventures, with the intention of contributing to conversations related to the future of work, sustainability, organizational systems, and collaboration. Beginning with distinctive phenomenon, I examine questions using mixed methods with an emphasis on rich qualitative field work. 

Her dissertation explored the context of location-independent organizations (those with no office at all) to generate theoretical insights around collaboration and distributed social connections. This work was recently recognized by the OCIS division of the Academy of Management where she won the 2021 Gerardine DeSanctis Dissertation Award for the best solo-authored paper from a dissertation. 

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Selected publications
Rhymer, J. (2023). Location-Independent Organizations: Designing Collaboration Across Space and Time. Administrative Science Quarterly, 68 (1), 1-43. doi:10.1177/00018392221129175 [link]
Pahnke, E. C., Sirmon, D. G., Rhymer, J., & Campbell, J. T. (2023). Resource interdependence and successful exit: A configurational perspective on young technology firms. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. doi:10.1002/sej.1471 [link]
Murray, A., Rhymer, J., & Sirmon, D. G. (2021). Humans and Technology: Forms of Conjoined Agency in Organizations. Academy of Management Review, 46 (3), 552-571. doi:10.5465/amr.2019.0186 [link]