UCL School of Management

The Next Generation of Entrepreneurs for Ukraine 2024


Start date: 11 September - 19 November (with a one week break during the October/November half term). Please note that applications for the 2024 cohort are now closed. 
Location: One Canada Square, Canary Wharf
Time: 18:30 - 20:30
Fees: £0 - Applications will be shortlisted based on selected criteria, not all applications will be successful

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The lecture series

Transform your idea into a reality and help rebuild Ukraine as an entrepreneur.

Following the devastating war in Ukraine, UCL School of Management and other UK universities have partnered with fellow academic institutions as part of an Academic Sanctuary Scheme to host Visiting Scholars from Ukrainian Universities. As part of this initiative, Nataliia Hrytsiuk has conducted research on the best practices in UK entrepreneurship education and will share her findings through this lecture series. Each lecture will cover the different aspects of venture creation and attendees will develop an understanding of the different nuances between the Ukrainian and UK approaches in building a venture.

Following the lecture series, aspiring or existing Ukrainian entrepreneurs will be equipped with the necessary tools and knowledge to transform their business idea into a viable venture to support the recovery and economic development of Ukraine. 

Four Ukrainian scholars will teach on the throughout the lecture series to share their expertise and experience in industry and academia. Please note that lectures will be taught in Ukrainian. 

The impact

This lecture series will provide attendees with the tools to transform their idea into a successful start-up and become an effective entrepreneur. By the end of the series, you will be able to:

  • Discover, validate and develop new business ideas
  • Build a successful team
  • Master business models
  • Create a unique value proposition
  • Understand customer development
  • Deliver a successful pitch and attract investment

Lecture series outline

Each lecture lasts two hours, of which one hour is led by a lecturer or keynote speaker and one hour is dedicated to working in groups to reflect and discuss the learnings from that lecture.

Lectures will run every Wednesday from 11th September to 20 November 2024.

Lecture 1 (11/09/24): Start-ups as a new form of entrepreneurship in the 21st century & Panel discussion with winners of the first edition of the lecture series.
What is a start-up and what value does it have? We'll delve into the history of start-ups using successful SME case studies for idea generation and explore the best examples and successes from the UK. 

Lecture 2 (18/09/24): The Art of Team Formation: Approaches, Models, and Technology
A good idea is not enough, you need a strong team - learn how to build a team to drive success.

Lecture 3 (25/09/24): Start-up Ideation: Best Practices from UCL School of Management
Can you distinguish a good idea from a bad one? Develop analytics tools and your ability to validate hypotheses to identify a good business idea and develop a solution-focused approach to improve weaker business ideas. 

Lecture 4 (02/10/24): Decoding Customer Behavior & Competitive Analysis in UK and Ukraine
Learn the tools required to undertake a competitive market analysis so that you can analyse competitors and improve your overall business strategy.

Lecture 5 (09/10/24): The Creation of a Simplified Product Prototype

Hear from experienced business practitioners to gain a crucial understanding of their top tips for creating a simplified product prototype.

Lecture 6 (16/10/24): Developing a Start-up Business Model: Case Studies from the UK
Understand what makes up a start-up business model and how to differentiate depending on the SME. Using examples, you'll learn how to build a canvas business model.

Lecture 7 (30/10/24): Value Proposition Canvas and Minimum Viable Product: Examples from UCL School of Management’s SustainTech Competition Pitch Day
Understanding the market, your target audience and market segmentation is essential for any entrepreneur to align their product to the market. Learn how to create a unique value proposition canvas for your start-up. 


Lecture 8 (06/11/24): Workshop - Selection of Pitchers for 2024 Pitch Day edition

Lecture 9 (13/11/24): Business Registration and the Basics of Tax Reporting
With a focus on the UK and Ukraine, this lecture will explore the basics of business registration and tax reporting for small businesses and the self-employed.

Lecture 10 (20/11/24): The Art of Pitching and Funding Your Start-Up in the UK
Learn about the tools required for successful product development, as well as the different stages of product development, and how to apply these tools to your prototype.

A unique learning environment

You will learn this lecture series in-person on Level 50 of One Canada Square, the highest floor of Canary Wharf, taught by Ukrainian academics both in-person and online. All academics teaching on the programme have successful academics careers in Ukraine and, since the war, some professors on the programme have joined partner universities for the year. 

UCL School of Management is the business school of University College London, one of the world’s leading universities. Your fellow programme attendees will be aspiring entrepreneurs from a range of industries, bringing a wealth of different experiences. 
UCL’s strong emphasis on research and progressive approach to teaching means your course will be a dynamic exploration of how to build a business that will not only survive in a post-war climate, but will thrive to support the redevelopment of Ukraine. By the end of the lecture series, you will feel empowered to develop your business idea and have the ability to apply your new knowledge and skills to launch your own venture.

the inaugural cohort

Last year, UCL School of Management launched the inaugural edition of The Next Generation of Entrepreneurs for Ukraine Lecture Series and we are thrilled to announce that the project saw incredible success. 10 talented participants from the Lecture Series pitched their innovative start-ups, competing for cash prizes of £1,000 to invest in their businesses to accelerate growth.

To launch the inaugural Lecture Series, UCL School of Management hosted a Launch Event in Canary Wharf, which was attended by His Excellency, Vadym Prystaiko, the Ambassador of Ukraine to the UK, who engaged in a conversation with Geraint Rees, UCL Vice-Provost (Research, Innovation and Global Engagement) to discuss the changing entrepreneurial landscape in Ukraine following the outbreak of war.

Much like the 2024 edition, the inaugural Lecture Series finished with a Pitch Day to showcase the incredible Ukrainian entrepreneurs who took part. Attending the Pitch Day were distinguished guests from across the UCL community, as well as our keynote speaker Kostiantyn Koshelenko, the Deputy Minister of Social Policy of Ukraine for Digital Development, Digital Transformation and Digitalisation, who joined with a live link directly from Ukraine.

Discussing the project, Deputy Minister Kostiantyn stated:

"This lecture series … is an important step towards recovery of the prosperity of Ukraine … your ideas and projects have the potential not only to strengthen the economy, but also to improve the well-being of every Ukrainians. And I want to assure you that the Ukrainian government fully supports your efforts."

Find out more about the Inaugural Next Generation Pitch Day

innovations that inspire

In celebration of the inaugural edition of the Next Generation of Entrepreneurs Lecture Series, UCL School of Management has been recognised as a “2024 Innovations That Inspire” Honouree by AACSB International (AACSB), which highlights our dedication to impactful, equitable and innovative business education.

In response to the adversities triggered by the war in Ukraine, the UCL School of Management has emerged as a leader in providing entrepreneurship education to Ukrainian refugees. Discussing the importance of such projects, UCL School of Management Director Davide Ravasi states,

“Being recognised as a 2024 Innovations That Inspire Honouree by AACSB International not only honours our innovative approach to business education but also reaffirms our dedication to societal impact. This initiative exemplifies our belief in the power of education to transform lives and communities, particularly in times of crisis.”

Our Faculty

In the latest Research Excellence Framework, 95% of the UCL School of Management’s research was considered world-leading and internationally excellent. All attendees will benefit from access to UCL School of Management's resources and facilities.

Nataliia Hrytsiuk: Associate Professor at Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University and Research Fellow at UCL School of Management 

Dr. Hrytsiuk has extensive research experience in business studies and strategic management as well as personal self-development. She has experience in teaching, research, undertaking internships and exchange placements in Ukrainian, Estonian (University of Tartu) and Polish (Higher School of Economics) universities.

Dr. Hrytsiuk is currently working on a project on the development of the ecosystem and entrepreneurship in post-war Ukraine, has over eight years of teaching experience and has authored close to 100 scientific and educational works.

Other tutors on this programme include:  
Oksana Liashenko - Professor in the Economics Department at the Lutsk National Technical University (Ukraine); Research Fellow at Loughborough University (UK)
Olena Ivashko - Associate Professor of the Department of  Finance at Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University and WSEI University in Lublin, Poland
Tetyana Sak - Associate Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Marketing Economics at Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University


Who should apply?

We are looking for Ukrainians who have a strong motivation to rebuild a prosperous economy and society after the devastating impact of the war.

If you have an idea for a business and don't know where to start or if you are yet to develop your idea, but are ready to work hard on it - then this lecture series is for you. You or a member of the start-up team must have a good level of English (B1) and be able to present your final pitch in English. 

What are the entry requirements?

This programme is specifically designed to equip entrepreneurs with the tools they need to rebuild Ukraine. We are therefore looking for people who are currently based in the UK but intend to develop their business idea in the UK or overseas to support the Ukrainian economy and build opportunities for people to prosper in the future.

  • Fluent in Ukrainian - all sessions will be taught in Ukrainian 
  • You can sign up individually or as a team or group of founders
  • It would be beneficial for all members of the team to have a good level of English, both speaking and understanding (B1), however it is essential that one person from the team has a strong understanding of English. 

How can you apply?

This programme requires you to complete an online application form and may have a follow-up call with a member of the teaching team. 

Applications for the 2024 cohort are now closed. Applications for the next lecture series will open in 2025.

Register your interest for 2025


Early Admission:

The deadline for Early Admission applications is 23:59 BST on Sunday 09 June 2024. Applicants who choose this option will receive an admission decision by the end of June 2024. Interviews will take place in Canary Wharf between 10 – 29 June. Please note: there are only 40 places available, so be sure to apply early to increase your chances of success. 

Regular Admission:

The deadline for Regular Admission applications is 23:59 BST on Sunday 14 July 2024. Admission decisions will be communicated by the end of July 2024. 

Rolling Admissions:

Beyond July 2024, applications submitted are reviewed on a continuous basis as they are received until the programme reaches capacity. 

We strongly encourage applicants to submit their applications well in advance of these deadlines. Late applications may only be considered on a space-available basis. For any questions regarding application deadlines or the application process, please contact mgmt.execed@ucl.ac.uk


This lecture series is fully funded by UCL School of Management and there is no payment required by the attendees. 

Please contact our Executive Education Team to discuss your application further.

Why choose us

As an attendee, you’ll benefit from a personalised approach that champions innovation, creativity and cross-disciplinary working.

The UCL School of Management, based in Canary Wharf, London, was recently ranked in the top five of UK business schools by The Guardian, and UCL is consistently ranked in the global top 20 for its academic excellence and research. You’ll be learning from a university that combines cutting-edge thinking with a disruptive spirit, helping you to develop the skills that will allow you to fulfil your potential and achieve real results for your organisation. 

Огляд укр

Програма розроблена к.е.н. Наталією Грицюк, доцентом Волинського національного університету імені Лесі Українки, запрошеним науковим співробітником Школи менеджменту UCL. Наталія має досвід у підприємницькому просторі та досвід викладацької роботи у сфері менеджменту та управління проєктами. Програма покликана допомогти українцям розвивати підприємницькі ініціативи, сприяти підтримці зусиль із відновлення української економіки після руйнівної війни. Ціль програми - розвинути необхідні навички для створення та розвитку нового стартапу, який принесе позитивні зміни в економіку України. 
Ця програма призначена для українців, які живуть у Лондоні та мають намір повернутися в Україну або розвивають бізнес-ідею, яка може підтримати українців та економіку країни, незалежно від того, де знаходиться засновник. Усі заявки будуть розглянуті. З учасниками які відповідають вимогам програми зв’яжуться, щоб запросити їх на безкоштовне навчання.
Програма безкоштовна для всіх успішних заявників, але кількість місць обмежена, тому переконайтеся, що ви відповідаєте критеріям перед подачею заявки. Для отримання додаткової інформації звертайтеся до mgmt.execed@ucl.ac.uk. Ця скринька вхідних повідомлень контролюється англомовним персоналом, тому, якщо ви можете, будь ласка, пишіть англійською мовою, інакше ми поділимося вашою електронною поштою з україномовним співробітником.


What day and time do classes take place?
Classes will take place every Wednesday from 09 September - 18 November between 19:00 and 21:00.
Where do classes take place?
Classes will take place at Level 50, One Canada Square. 
What happens if I know I am going to miss a class?
We understand that life happens and you may have to miss a class. If this situation arises, please contact the Executive Education Team to let them know you won't be in attendance. In order to obtain the certificate of completion, you are required to attend a minimum of 75% of all sessions.
Will there be pre-work or homework?
Yes, there will be some pre-work and homework. We know that our participants are busy people, so we try to keep this as reasonable as possible. But, please be prepared to put in some work outside of the classroom in order to get the most from this lecture series.
What language is the programme taught in?

This programme will be taught in Ukrainian. As the programme is designed to support the next generation of entrepreneurs to rebuild Ukraine, we want to make it as accessible as possible. A good level of English (B1) is required.

How much does the lecture series cost?
This is free for any admitted applicants. Spaces are limited and all applicants will be reviewed based on their ability to meet the required criteria. 

Last updated Tuesday, 5 November 2024